Even though castile soap may be the best type of soap for even the most sensitive type of skin, however, things might be different when it comes to making homemade shampoo.
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The problem with DIY shampoos.

Up not so long ago, we all bought our shampoos and soaps in stores because we did not know any better. However, slowly (but surely), people started learning how to make their own because we began to be more aware of what chemicals we were blindly putting on our hair and body.
So very shortly after, DIY shampoo (soap) recipes became (and still are) very popular! You could find thousands upon thousands of various recipes online with ingredients you would not commonly put in shampoos.
However, because of the popularity of natural recipes made with ingredients straight from your kitchen, many came with a ton of recipes that simply did not work or, even worse, would harm your hair. A lot of people online would say they don’t use any preservatives, but if you don’t use any, your shampoo will go rancid or have mold after a short period.
So as you can see, people without any experience shared their recipes to millions but did not think about the essentials of what a shampoo should be doing.
What is castile soap?

Coming from the Mediterranean area (named after the olive oil-based soaps that originated from the Castile region in Spain), this “miracle product” traveled over to Europe (England, to be exact) around the mid-1500s. The reason for it to be called the “miracle product” is that Castile soap is an amazingly versatile soap.
Not alone is it free from synthetic ingredients and animal fats, but it’s also biodegradable. You can buy them in almost any store, and can be bought in liquid or bar form. These days, they are commonly made with olive oil; however, they are also made with castor, hemp, or coconut oils.
On rare occasions, they are also made with walnut or avocado oil. The reason it is called versatile is that It can be used for so many things, including:
Dish soap
Face wash
All-purpose household cleaner
Wound cleaning
Dishwasher detergent
Window cleaner
The list goes on and on, but I think I made my point.
Why would you want to have shampoo without castile soap?
Even though Castile soap is a very popular shampoo base for essential oil shampoos, it isn’t ideal for everyone. Don’t get me wrong; I am not here to bash Castile soap, but I instead want to make people aware that it’s not a miracle product for everyone.
Like with any new shampoo, your hair needs time to adjust to it, and the same story is true for shampoo made with Castile oil. However, some people experience this much differently. Some would end up with this thick residue on their hair, which makes you cringe each time you touch it but also with a hairbrush that looked disgusting after each usage.
You will most likely read online that it doesn’t take that long for your hair to adjust to your new shampoo; this is when your hair is greasy (oily). But if you are one of the others, I don’t think you would want to walk around like that for even a day.
Sure, you could counteract this with some apple cider vinegar-based conditioner rinse, but you will still have a lingering smell.
Another issue with Castile soap is its pH level is 10-11, while your scalp’s natural ph is closer to 5.5, which can eventually cause itching and flaking.
What can I use instead of Castile soap?

Since Castile soap is used as a shampoo base, you will need to replace it with something else. This is where your preference plays a significant role, so you might want to change this to something you want to prefer. I recommend using an all-vegan, gluten-free, organic shampoo base.
I prefer going vegan for almost all of the products we use at home, but this is my personal preference again. But you can also make your own soap base very quickly, just do a quick search online, and you will find countless recipes.
How do you make soap without Castile?
Before I give you the recipes for 2 types of hair, I want to clarify that you can make many variations using different essential oils. Just make sure to follow the proper guidelines and do some testing in small batches.
- Homemade Egg Shampoo:
Egg shampoo is very good for greasy hair; it is high in protein and is also excellent for fine, thin, or oily hair. Basically, the lecithin within the egg yolk, which counts as an emulsifier, cuts through the grease and dirt. Your greasy hair will be squeaky clean after using this shampoo.
And as a plus, it also helps with hair growth because it’s packed with vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, B12, and biotin.
- Clean container or jar
- 1 egg (this can be different in case you have thick and long hair)
- ¼ cup of water
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 3 tsp rhassoul clay
- 4 tsp raw honey
- 7 drops rosemary essential oil
- 2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
- High-speed blender
2. Homemade Honey – Coconut oil:
Coconut oil helps with hair loss and seals the hair strands. This prevents water from entering the hair, which causes the hair to expand and inevitably leads to stringy, uneven, and rough hair. There are many more benefits of using coconut oil, so if you wish to know about it, do a quick search online, and you will find all the information you need.
One of the best deep cleansing agents is honey. It hydrates the hair, nourishes it, and even promotes hair growth. It removes dirt and dead cells deep within the scalp. It also hydrates hair, fights dandruff, soothes irritation, nourishes & encourages growth, and naturally conditions hair.
- 2 tbsp liquid honey
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 tsp coconut oil
3. Homemade Coconut – tea tree Shampoo:
This third option is with a vegan base. It is one where you can buy the base shampoo, which makes it easier to make. You can use this for all types of hair, but if your hair needs extra cleansing power, this is the shampoo you need to use. The Tea tree oil is the one that gives the extra punch.
- 8 oz. vegan shampoo base
- 1/2-1 tbsp coconut oil
- 10 drops of tea tree oil
- 10 drops of lavender oil
- 10 drops Joy essential oil blend
I understand the need to follow the rest of the world and make your shampoo with Castile soap, but as you can see, making shampoo without it is not hard and can even be beneficial for some people.