Many people have switched to organic, natural soaps, which are great for your skin, yet they might come with a few disadvantages that you probably never noticed.
Homemade organic soap provides the same results as regular soap but without any unpleasant side effects. It’s also great for the environment and your skin, although it might not be as convenient to use as so many people claim them to be.
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Differences between organic and inorganic soap

Forget about people who tell you that organic and inorganic soap is almost similar. Though organic and inorganic soaps both have a long history, they can be easily distinguished from one another by their structures.
- Organic soap
Organic soap doesn’t contain any chemicals, as it’s made of all-natural ingredients. They use organic oils as the base. Though it’s optional, the essential oils utilized to give these soaps their unique fragrance are organic as well. All the ingredients found in organic soap are plant-based. Therefore, they’re free of toxic chemicals.
These soaps contain the following ingredients:
Organic vegetable oils, such as coconut oil or grapeseed oil. - 100% essential oils that are harmless to the skin, hypoallergenic, and moisturizing.
- Other ingredients, like aloe or charcoal.
Organic soaps are usually made in smaller batches. Moreover, they leave a considerably small carbon footprint. Also, these soaps have a simpler structure that makes them less likely to cause skin problems.
- Inorganic soap
On the other hand, most commercial soaps are inorganic, and they’re often based on chemical components. These soaps often contain unnecessary additives that will cause harm to your skin in the long term. For instance, many soap brands use sodium laurel sulfate, which is often found in engine cleaners as it helps remove the grease. This ingredient dries your skin and causes itching.
Inorganic or commercial soap contains the following ingredients:
- Parabens – This ingredient is unnecessary, but it’s used as it extends the shelf life of the soap.
- Phthalates – Commercial soaps often have phthalates because they make the final product softer. This ingredient “plasticizes” the soap, making it less brittle at the same time.
- Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) – Most commercial soaps contain this ingredient, which is known for its cleansing and foaming properties. SLS is often found in products meant to clean engines. Additionally, being in direct contact with this chemical causes eye and skin irritation. Sometimes, SLS can become contaminated with other harmful chemicals during the manufacturing process.
Synthetic perfume – Commercial soap does smell good. However, these scents are synthetic and are associated with allergies. These chemicals are also known for causing hormonal problems. These synthetic fragrances have a strong scent than essential oils and are less costly; however, they’re made from petrochemicals. Artificial colorants – Inorganic soaps often have cute and shiny colors. These artificial dyes are associated with allergies, skin and eye irritation, and other problems like synthetic fragrances. Some sources link it to cancer, too.
Most of all, the ingredients used in commercial soap are harmful to your body in one way or another.
Is organic soap good for your skin?
Organic soap is excellent for your skin for multiple reasons, starting from the fact that they’re made of 100% natural ingredients and leaves a minimal carbon footprint. Still, there are motives to choose organic soap over commercial soap.
- It’s moisturizing.
Most of the ingredients used in organic soaps are highly moisturizing. Furthermore, Glycerin is obtained as a byproduct during the soapmaking process. Glycerin is a moisturizing agent that works in tandem with humidity to give your skin its natural liquidity. When you put it on, Glycerin causes water molecules close enough to break down and hydrate the cells under their skin’s surface layer-a sensation much like what we feel after taking showers or baths.
- It feels smooth on your skin.
Organic soap is almost always the better option if you have a specific skin condition or sensitive skin. Thanks to its moisturizing properties and natural structure, organic soap helps with skin conditions.
- It’s rich in antioxidants.
- It has natural antibacterial properties.
Commercial soaps contain tons of harmful chemicals that are meant to “kill” the bacteria that adhere to your skin. However, they are counterproductive as they’re often responsible for skin rashes and irritation.
When it comes to organic soaps, things are a bit more different. Although they don’t contain chemicals, some of the ingredients used are natural antibacterial agents, such as essential oils.
- It doesn’t contain preservatives.
Preservatives are commonly found in commercial soap as they extend the product’s shelf life. Still, these agents are known to cause skin rashes and irritation. Organic soaps do not contain preservatives, and therefore, they have a shorter life span. However, you can be sure that they will not cause you any harm as there aren’t any chemicals present in their structure.
- Organic soaps are often recommended for your face.
The skin in our faces is different compared to the skin in other parts of our body. Therefore, we must be especially careful with it – so you’ll have to avoid commercial soaps. In contrast, natural soaps are excellent for the face since they contain moisturizing and antioxidant agents.
What are the disadvantages of organic soap?
It’s hard to think of a disadvantage associated with organic soap after reading all the benefits it can bring. However, organic soap does have disadvantages in certain circumstances.
Some people may have issues with organic soaps due to the presence of essential oils they are allergic to. This can cause different reactions that may vary based on the person.
The most obvious outcome is contact dermatitis when it comes to soaps. Some of the symptoms of this condition include dry or scaly skin and a burning sensation. Sometimes, symptoms may appear after a few hours or even days.
Most people experience a bad reaction to an essential oil when it isn’t appropriately diluted. If you’re experiencing a harmful effect on your skin after trying an organic soap, discontinue its use and wait a few days before trying a different option.
Peppermint, lemongrass, tea tree, and lavender are amongst the most common essential oils known to cause allergies. The best way to prevent an allergic reaction is to make sure that the essential oil has been correctly diluted.
Is organic soap good for the body?
Organic soaps are excellent for the body. We’ve mentioned some of its best benefits above, but there are more advantages, such as the following:
- It’s no secret that organic products are better for the body. When it comes to soaps, they are associated with moisturizing and cleaning properties that don’t cause any negative reactions due to the absence of chemicals.
- If you often have to deal with allergies, organic soaps can be a better option for you. There is a lot of variety out there for all kinds of people.
- Organic soaps contain antioxidant properties that aren’t lost in any step of the manufacturing process. Your skin will remain as fresh as ever, thanks to this.
- If you’re worried about the soap messing with your skin’s pH, keep that thought off your mind. Organic soaps have pH levels around 9-10, which means they will leave your skin’s acidic mantle intact.
Natural soap is the best option you can choose if you’d like to maintain your skin fresh and good-looking.
Thus, we can say that there are no major disadvantages to natural soap. Generally speaking, it’s the safest option for most of the population.